Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lost In Translation

I woke up a bit too early today (an hour early), so I figured I'd write a blog, seeing as how I've always wanted to write one on my spare time. Spare time is here and I am blogging (LOL). In my spare time, all I did was fold my laundry and buy a song on iTunes (If you like Regina Spektor, download Ben Folds "You Don't Know Me", although most of you don't even know who she is.... If you do, tell me and I will love you forever). I really gotta work on my Bob Dylan paper, I stood up till around 2:30 thinking of a good introduction because my paper just feels awkward. Like, I read it and you can tell it's just put together all messy.. Yeah, I gotta get to work on that, thank God it's Wednesday, I could just work on it in class today. Speaking of working on stuff, I gotta work on these lyrics I wrote for a song. The music sounds very, I can't explain it, Frenchy or Italian. Think "Lady & The Tramp" meets The Beatles' "Michelle". I'm thinking about adding an accordian in the song using GarageBand on my BFFL's Mac. Back to the lyrics, I wanna translate a verse in Italian and sing it. The thing is, first of all, I don't know anyone who speaks Italian and second of all, even if I do get it translated in Italian, it doesn't mean it'll fit the song. So if any of you guys in my class speak Italian... Give me a hoot! I gotta get going to school now, probably posting up another blog when I get there (LOL... That wasn't even funny). Oh, my iPods fully charged now, later folks!

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