Friday, October 10, 2008

Love In This Club

A couple days ago, I went to the Club Fair at LaGuardia. There were some that were interesting, some that were boring, some that offered free mugs (was that even a club?). Clubs that weren't even clubs, just promoting FIZE drinks and other clubs that bribed you with candy (I'm pointing my finger at you Gay & Straight Alliance!). One club that caught my eye was the Phi Theta Kappa club, which is an honors club. It's really cool, you go places there... Literally. They have a convention in Texas once a year. Not only that, they can lead you to many scholarships and grants. The only catch is you need to maintain a 3.5 GPA. That was pretty much the only club that caught my eye, really. I was highly upset when I didn't find a Music Club or something like it at least. There needs to be a club for musicians, I would join it in a heartbeat! Or an Actor's Club, c'mon really? All in all, not a great day that day, there was nothing that interested me. The only club was the honors club and it's not even free! I have to pay 35 bucks! Okay, I'm through ranting, LOL.

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