Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Digital Ducks

Does anyone remember Duck Hunt? It was the very first game that was released for the NES. What's even better about it is that you were equipped with a gun, so you can point the orange gun at the screen and shoot some digital ducks on the screen. That was one of the very first games I remember playing as a young boy. Games can be described in so many ways. To one person, it can mean competition or sport. To another, it can just be a source of amusement or pleasure. After playing a group of online games on Wednesday morning, my definition of games is simple: an activity with a set of rules that brings you a source of pleasure. Play can be described as fun, I don't think I can describe it any other way. You can see playfulness a mile away. Just seeing interactivity and enjoyment between the people playing describes play (does that make sense?). Simulation is pretty much the interactivity going on within the game. The involvement of the player(s) is the simulation. Whether it's a group of children playing dress-up or someone playing Halo 3 in their video game chair, simulation is the essence that brings you to the game. It's your imagination convincing you to play along with the game. You are not dressed up as a doctor, you are the doctor. You're aren't a 17 year old holding a controller and smelling like sweat and Doritos, you are the Master Chief, destroying the Covenant with your turret, riding on top of a Warthog. Or you could be shooting digital ducks on the TV screen with your orange gun.

1 comment:

Dereck.Garcia said...

Do I remember that game? I have it bro. My gun broke though lol. I think your definitions are right on the spot. I couldn't agree with you more. It is true once you're playing you get into and you feel like your the character. If you played COD you know what I'm talking about I feel like I'm really at war.